Rediscover diary writing by using a secure electronic diary with multiple available features including: daily notes, tracking important topics and items, planning of upcoming events, writing skill training and daily routine organizing. Password protection is available.
DearDiary is a powerful diary software which is an excellent way to keep a personal journal of day to day thoughts, goals, feelings, memories, dreams, ideas and important events in your life. DearDiary is an exceptionally easy to use software which you can start using immediately. DearDiary will make writing a pleasant experience for you without ever being afraid of privacy, it uses blowfish encryption to ensure total security of your data.
Some features of DearDiary:
1) Easy and fun to use
2) Insert smileys to express your emotions
3) Password protect your diary
4) Uses state of the art blowfish encryption to make sure what you write cannot be read by others
5) Choose an icon for your mood, health and weather for that day
6) Full text formatting available
7) Centre, Right, Left align text
8) Underline, Strikethrough text
9) Set text as subscript, superscript
10) Change text colour
11) Change text to lower or uppercase
12) Insert images in your diary
13) Ability to bookmark your memorable days
14) Data back up and restore
Priced at only 10$ (US) DearDiary is an excellent value for money program.